After CPI leader Atul Anjan has called for a ban on Sunny Leone’s contraceptives ad, the former chairperson of Delhi Commission for Women, Barkha Singh has also said that Sunny Leone’s ad is ‘shabby, ugly or immoral’. Leone responds back to all the allegations in her recent tweet.
Atul Kumar Anjan said that her recent advertisement will increase the number of rape cases in India. The actress responded on Twitter saying that the politicians should utilize their time and energy rather wasting them on her.
Barkha has requested the Minister of State for Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to enforce an immediate ban on the ad.
On the other hand, actress Shilpa Shetty has showed her support for Bollywood controversial actress and said, “It’s just some of the fringe who thinks like that. I don’t think everybody thinks like that, it’s very silly. These things happen everywhere. There are controversies everywhere and this is a really silly thing that you’re giving too much attention to,” Times of India reported. – BR
News Report
This the controversial condom ad