Muniba Mazari Exposed : When She’s Lying? In Past or Present?

Here is a revealing video which contradicts Muniba Mazari’s, an artist, activist, motivational speaker and host, past and present statements. Her present version of her ‘miserable married life’ doesn’t match with what she used to say about her husband in the past.

In first part of this video Muniba Mazar can be seen praising her  husband and his uncoditional support for her. She said when she cried her husband even cried with her etc etc. But in second half of this video Muniba was of the view that her husband was the reason of her disability  and the accident because he being so selfish jumped out of the window just to save himself. So which statement of Muniba is true? |PakDestiny

Watch Video : Muniba Mazari Exposed : When She’s Lying? In Past or Present?

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