By Kiran Bokhari
Islamabad (Pakdestiny) The Pakistan People’s Party cannot survive with two fathers – Asif Ali Zardari and Bilawal Bbhutto.
Facing worst defeat in local body cantonment elections last week, there have been calls from the PPP Jialas that the PPP house must be run by one father. And majority of them want Bilawal to be that father.
“The tiff between father and son has created a lot of mess in the house of PPP and it is the time for Mr Zardari to hand over the reins of the party to the young blood. Otherwise by 2018 elections, the PPP will be eliminated from the political scene of the country,” a PPP old worker comments.
He says like an ordinary house if its command is given at the hands of two persons it cannot be run effectively. Similarly, the party of Bhuttos requires one head. Pak Destiny