Questions raised over  bogus” recruitment process in IPO Pakistan

Questions raised over  bogus" recruitment process in IPO Pakistan

By Nazim Malik

IPO has started the second phase of recruitment process to fill important functional posts on nepotism and on favoritism basis.

    First IPO engaged their favorites on daily wage without any competitive process and without the adoption of Prescribed Criteria of Establishment Division for the hiring of daily wage workers.

Now these illegal engaged daily wage workers were given complete questions papers to secure their positions. 

To complete this bogus process, IPO has engaged virtual university Islamabad as testing agency to appoint the workers already working on daily wages in IPO Pakistan. Virtual University has conducted test on 17 November, 2024 and declared their bogus result in last week.

All seventy illegal daily wagers working in IPO-Pakistan across the Pakistan have passed with 95% to 100% marks. How is it possible that the candidate who can’t write a single application of leave can secure 100% marks in written test? It is next to impossible for the daily wager who are holding simple qualification has secured 95% to 100% marks.

 Thirty-five candidates out of seventy have obtained 100 % marks.

This second phase of bogus recruitment process can be verified with the first phase of recruitment which was held in July 2024 for the Scale of BS 1 to BS 5 (IPS -IV). In this, ninety-nine percent of the appointed candidates are those who were already hired on daily wage base across the Pakistan and none of them left behind.

This can be verified from the record. 

All existing daily wagers are closed relatives of senior officers of Karachi and Islamabad. These daily wagers are already illegally hired without posts and without prescribed appointment criteria and they are very corrupt by all means. If they were again appointed on regular basis it would be grave disaster for the organization and it would also be detrimental for the rest of the country as original job seekers would not get the job in this way. It is humbly requested that the recruitment process must be stopped and bogus test conducted should be cancelled as the whole recruitment process has been badly abused by the IPO.

 Fresh advertisement and top creditable recruitment agency under the supervision of honest officers may be hired for the transparent recruitment process in the best public interest otherwise, it would be a criminal offence if such recruitment will not be on merit and subsequently IPO management has to face its consequences.

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