By Fayyaz Butt
(Pak Destiny) In very normal practice, whenever we offer a job to some body, what we want to know about him? Has he any previous experience with reference to the job under consideration? Has he got any success in the scope of work which we are going to offer him? What he would cost us? What are threats to us if we appoint him?
If answers of these questions are positive, we don’t bother to offer him the position. Every position demands some powers with responsibilities. So, we empower him and be hopeful for his success.
The political party thinks that it is the real claimant of Foreign, Defence and Interior ministries of the central government. So, whoever may be the ruler of Pakistan these ministries are its right.
Question arises why a ruling party sacrifices these ministries. Representatives of the biggest party address this question that it is only us who had the experience of these ministries. We did qualify all the criteria as mentioned above with reference to scope of work.
On papers this is how things work not in real life as for Pakistan is concerned. Our voters are not well educated and even those have degrees clearly lack to understand the qualities they should be looking for in a candidate. Political parties are well aware of this weakness among the masses and they know that they have few people to fight out as the system is already paralyzed. Justin Trudeau had to explain a holiday stay few months ago. Why? Because voters do understand the tile expected of him. I have no doubt that our country is ruled by mafias, I have no expectations from them.
Nevertheless a good article on the basis of assumptions that we have at least 90%+ literary rate and people voting in elections know what to choose.
Another aspect of our society is quite interesting, when we have to spend from our pockets we due proper due deligence and make a well informed decision but when it comes to choosing our leaders this instinct somehow fails. One day as they say,”every dog has a day”.
Correction in my earlier comments: Justin Trudeau had to explain a holiday stay few months ago. Why? Because voters do understand the role expected of him.