A cellular company CEO is accused of running the agenda of an Indian organization in Pakistan

By Iram Salim

Islamabad, June 5 (Pak Destiny) Indian Yoga maestro, Sri Ravi Shankar is accused of spreading his agenda in Pakistan through Naeem Zamaindar, CEO of Wateen Telecom by appointing him his “Khalifa.”

A-cellular-company-CEO-is-accused-of-running-the-agenda-of-an-Indian-organization-in-Pakistan---Naeem has been running Art of Living Pakistan Chapter on the instructions of his boss Ravi Shankar in which he is spreading ‘happiness’ among the elite of the country.


ravi shankar in Pakistan March 12, 2012

Ravi Shankar in Pakistan

Indian elected Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also the follower and student of Ravi Shankar. Ravi had begged votes for Modi during the last month elections in India. He asked his followers to support Modi by saying that “he is real Hindu and he will protect their rights.”

Ravi Shankar in Pakistan March 12, 2012 at Wahga Border

Ravi Shankar in Pakistan  at Wahga Border

Following the successful campaign, Modi has also invited his Gru Ravi Shankar to attend his oath taking ceremony and gets his blessings on his life time achievement event.

Naeem Zamindar, Khalifa of Ravi Shankar, has brought him to Pakistan many times to show his performance of spreading his agenda in Muslim country which was never accepted by Hindus of India since Pakistan creation.

Sri Sri at a gathering in Pakistan

Sri Ravi Shankar at a gathering in Pakistan

The Art of Living Pakistan chapter has been operating freely. It is strange as how this organization escapes the scanner of the Pakistani intelligence agencies despite its “dubious and pro-India activities”.

Besides being the CEO of a cell phone company how come Naeem Zamindar could head an “Indian organization? – Pak Destiny

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