Chaudhry Pervez Elahi — an iron man — who faced brutalities for a year but never ditched Imran Khan

By Irum Saleem

     PTI Central Presi­dent Chaudhry Parvez Elahi has proved to be an iron man.

    He walked free from jail on Tuesday last about a year after he was arrested in a number of fake cases by the Mohsin Naqvi and PDM administrations.

     Mr Elahi’s steadfastness is a tell a tale as how he faced brutalities at the hands of the powerful circles and a person who was more loyal than a king, Mohsin Naqvi.

Mrs Qaisra Elahi who entered the political arena after the arrest of her husband, Chaudhry Parvez Elahi, and fought his case both in public and court

     Naqvi used all his energies to keep Mr Elahi in jail. Mr Elahi had to pay a huge price for being loyal to former premier and PTI supreme leader Imran Khan.

     Although there were many occasions he was forced to quit the PTI but Mr Elahi stood firm with Mr Khan.

    “I am thankful to Allah Almighty for giving me strength to get through this ordeal. I am grateful to the judges who supported the truth and I was re­­leased,” Mr Elahi said on X after his release.

Mr Elahi alleges that Mohsin Naqvi was a central figure in fake cases against him and atrocities against his family

    Mr Elahi also spoke the ordeal of the people of Gujrat and the PTI’s stolen mandate there.

    “No talks will be held with Chaudhry Shujaat’s sons — Salik and Shafay — until our stolen mandate is returned and those of our people who suffered in Gujrat pardon them,” Mr Elahi said and alleged that interior minister Mohsin Naqvi is a “prime character” in his arrest and atrocities committed against the Elahi family.

   Pledging his resolve to remain with the PTI founder through thick and thin, Mr Elahi said: “I am with Imran Khan and will remain with him come what may.”    

Chaudhry Parvez Elahi has been arrested repeatedly in dozens of fake cases during the last one year.

He  was mistreated during his incarceration but he could not be broken.

Mr Elahi’s wife, Qaisra Elahi, never before seen in public, is now out fighting his innocence on political and court fronts.

Salik Hussain who was defeated with a margin of 110,000 votes by Mrs Qaisra Elahi on NA-64 Gujrat in Feb 8 polls but declared winner shamelessly under Form 47 result. Salik is currently a cabinet member of “mandate thieves” government of Shehbaz Sharif

She also defeated Salik Hussain, son of Shujaat Hussain, on Gujrat National Assembly seat in Feb polls with a margin of over 100,000 votes but the architects of stolen mandate had changed that result.

 Mr Elahi had also won a Punjab Assembly seat from Gujrat and Moonis Elahi from Lahore but their seats were too snatched in a shameful manner —  Form-47 changed result.

     In coming time Mr Elahi and Moonis Elahi will be vibrant faces of PTI playing their important role along with Imran Khan. PAK DESTINY

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