Islamabad, Nov 25 (Pak Destiny) Despite an apparent love affair of the Jang group with the PML-N governemnt, some of its journalists have managed to write against the PML-N government’s policies.
Even one journalist of The News has severely criticised Information Minister Pervaiz Rasheed for his ‘defeated mindset’ on the drone issue.
Mr Rasheed is taken by surprise reading an article (of Ahmed Norani) against him in the publication of the Jang group as he has long been enjoying good relations with the group. Even Ansar Abbasi on whom PML-N banks much is getting critical of its policies especially on drone strikes. It is a good sign, Isn’t it?
A defeatist argument: Do you want war with US?
Monday, November 25, 2013
From Print Edition (The News International)
ISLAMABAD: Badly entangled from all sides, by institutions’ opposition, the general public, international powers and massive protest rallies, the PML-N government appears to have lost its direction and rationale and has indirectly started defending drone strikes.
On Saturday, otherwise a very soft spoken and humble senator Pervaiz Rasheed was so confused because of whatever was happening around him that he used a ridiculous argument to indirectly justify drones strikes saying “though US drones attacks violate our sovereignty but foreign militants living in Pakistan also violate the same sovereignty”.
Senator Rasheed simply forgot that an ordinary person could afford to give such a bizarre argument in any discussion but how could a top government leader and the spokesman state this as an official statement of the government of Pakistan.
He forgot that it was the government’s failure to throw any such foreign militants out or to eliminate them if they were violating country’s sovereignty.Senator Rasheed simply forget that this poor nation pays this government more Rs600 billion per annum in addition to big foreign aids for the defence of the country and stopping these foreign militants from entering Pakistan or violating its laws.
Any argument for tackling the monster of terrorism by using the talks option never endorses or justifies attacks by foreign militants and if the PML-N government has any sincerity to curb terrorism it can launch an offensive against these militants even today. Senator Rasheed simply forgot to explain as to who was stopping him or the prime minister from ordering forces to eliminate these foreign terrorists living inside our land.It was also incomprehensible as to how Senator Rasheed justified American drone attacks in Pakistan by comparing them with the issue of foreign terrorists’ presence.
On the one side, the federal information minister was admitting that even after the passage of six months, the PML-N government had miserably failed to clear Pakistani lands from these foreign terrorists, as the dialogue process was meant only for the Pakistani Taliban and the people of the tribal areas and not for the foreign militants who can be removed any time.
On the other hand, the information minister admitted his government’s complete incompetence to handle this issue even in future. It also reflected the mindset of those ruling Pakistan, who now seem to believe that two wrongs can make one right or one wrong can be used to justify the other.
Senator Rasheed’s statement also reflected that though Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had insisted the other day that sincerity of his government must not be doubted, PML-N leadership neither had sincerity nor seriousness to counter the drones.
In fact, Senator Rasheed’ made the government look like a supporter of drone attacks to please some foreign masters, lacking the intention and confidence to sort out our issues by ourselves.
Instead of stating that foreign militants have breached the country’s sovereignty and government will eliminate them and will also ensure protection of country’s independence by doing everything to stop drone attacks, the statement clearly reflected that the PML-N government has no self respect for Pakistan as a nation.
It is even unable to comprehend that when foreign powers are asked to come in and solve our internal problems like militancy, the foreign powers will try their best to fulfill all their interests. Any foreign intervention to sort out our internal problems will be against Pakistan’s national interest in the long-run. This is what the PML-N and its leadership is completely unable to comprehend. The foreign powers are fuelling controversies and conflicts to ensure/justify continuation of their intervention in Pakistan.
The reaction of the PML-N government on the drone attack on our settled areas of Pakistan has cleared the minds of many Pakistanis who otherwise were pinning big hopes on Nawaz Sharif because of his statements and speeches before the elections at different forums.
Senator Rasheed on Saturday joined the club of the people who respond to every argument asking for protecting national prestige and sovereignty with the response: “Do you want war with America?”
how long sharif can feed media thats the question?
with all mess spread all over pakistan no media channel voice concern of pak people