- Imran should be given many years like Nawaz for training
By Nazim Malik
The frank admission of Prime Minister Imran Khan that he and his party was not prepared to run the government affairs has not only provided a chance to the opposition to mock him but he also cut a sorry figure before the establishment.
One wonders why PM Khan made such a bold confession which made his position awkward.
Now opposition is saying that since Khan has made an open confession there is no point for him to defend himself any more for his bad governance.
Interestingly, like Khan, Nawaz was picked up by establishment in 1981 and he was by then more poor by intellect if compare to Imran.
Nawaz somehow groomed in two decades before he was sent home by Musharraf in 1999.
It is being said give some 10 years and Imran will be trained like Nawaz.
Isn’t the argument has a point. PAK DESTINY