Sharif’s first dilemma as PM; shake hands with Taliban or America

By Iram Salim

Islamabad, May 14 ( Pakistani Taliban want Nawaz Sharif Sharif to come out of the United States’ war on terror. Does the prime minister-designate have courage to do so?
In fact this is the first challenge Sharif has to face after assuming the office by the end of this month.
The Taliban have huge expectations from Sharif as they consider him their natural ally. “The US should be ready to see the double game of Sharif as he can not afford to make both America and Taliban angry,” a political observer says.
“If Sharif shakes hand with Taliban he should be ready to face the wrath of Americans or if he makes friends with the US, Taliban will not spare him. Jaun to jaun kahan (where shall I go).”
Pakistan is fast getting radicalised and Sharif is a perfect choice to represent them. Pak Destiny

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