By Raza Ruman
What a shame that Usman Buzdar needs Shahbaz Sharif’s name to introduce himself as chief minister Punjab.
In the clip a member of Buzdar team is introducing him to an old woman that he is chief minister like before him was Shahbaz Sharif.
The poor Buzdar is looking so bewildered that one feels pity on him. Buzdar should better consider himself different from that of Shahbaz and not try to feel or have the ‘shashka’ of chotay mian.
SS is a bad example to follow. Buzdar should remain and act simple. Pak Destiny
Governance under Nawaz/ Shabaz Sharif is unending comedy leaves the country and world laughing.
Showbaz sharif is the biggest bastard ever who destroyed beauty of lahore and wasted punjab budget just for his showbazi
Buzdar is not poor Cm infact thousand times wise and serious person
بھائ تو نے اپنا پیج اور سائٹ مشہور کرنے کیلئے یہ بکواس پوسٹ کی ہے ۔ تیری بھی ڈیٹ آف برتھ پر لعنت ہے