By Raza Ruman
The private sector universities in Punjab are openly flouting Higher Education Commission (HEC) orders and functioning without filling the top positions.
This not is causing decline in education standard in the country but also these varsities are giving an open message that they are only interested in minting money.
At present several senior positions in the University of Management Technology (UMT), Beaconhouse National University (BNU), University of Lahore (UoL) and Lahore Leads University, University of South Asia (USA) and Lahore School of Economic have been vacant since long. “The senior managment positions especially deans and directors positions in computer sciences, management studies, media and communication and social sciences are vacant,” an official said and adding for the last many years universities managment are not hiring senior faculty.
“The HEC is not taking any action in this regard despite registering complaints.” The official said this measure by private sector universities have significantly affected the quality of education in pakistan . Moreover. Private sector universities do not fellow HEC policies in hiring.” The stakeholders have stressed for appropriate steps to address this issue.
After Tariq Banuri the HEC needs to put it’s house in order and take action against these universities for flouting it’s orders regarding appointment on important faculty positions. PAK DESTINY