By Raza Ruman
For the first time in two years of PTI rule, the opposition sounds serious to take on the might of the establishment. But that is too apparently. The narrative of Nawaz Sharif is too to bear by the joint opposition. Imran what opposition believes is a puppet but it must know whose puppet is he. And they are going to protect their puppet.
And in the wake of this strong APC, more wrath be fallen on its leadership and Maryam and others may be sent again behind the bar.
Apparently the new alliance of opposition seems formidable but the moment it comes to take to streets it will be seen where these parties are standing.

PMLN had never been a party of agitation. It always needed shoulders of the establishment. And this time can it hold protest without its support.
Here is Joint communiqué of the Opposition APC
An alliance of national political parties that believe in the supremacy of the constitution and the federal parliamentary system, have created an alliance titled “Pakistan Democratic Movement”.
This alliance will run an organized and thorough nationwide movement to rescue the people of Pakistan from the anti-people, anti-poor selected government and will lead the nation.

The APC declared that the selected government has been artificially stabilized by the same establishment that imposed this government on Pakistan through election rigging. The meeting expressed great concern over the increasing intervention and influence of establishment in political affairs of the country. It declared that this intervention is a danger for the stability, sovereignty and security of the country and its institutions.
The APC demanded that the establishment must at once stop interference and intervention in political affairs. It told the establishment and all its institutions to abstain from intervening in politics while honoring the boundaries and jurisdiction defined by their oaths under the constitution.
The meeting demanded that free, fare and transparent elections must be ascertained in the country. It called for immediate reforms to eliminate all and any role of the armed forces and intelligence agencies in the electoral process.
It noted that the selected government has made life of Pakistanis hell with exponential inflation, unemployment and crushing taxation. It demanded that the prices of flour, sugar, cooking oil, electricity, natural gas and petroleum products be immediately reduced and brought to equilibrium.
The APC pointed out that the economy destroyed by the failed policies of the selected government has become a grave threat to the defence of Pakistan, nuclear capability and sovereignty of the country. The meeting pledged to stand firm against all attacks on the 1973 constitution, the 18th amendment and the NFC award. It also vowed to guard provincial autonomy and will not compromise on it at any cost.
The All Parties’ Conference rejected the sinister plan of imposing a Presidential form of government in Pakistan and believes that the federal parliamentary system is the custodian of Pakistan’s sanctity and security. It unequivocally swore never to compromise on the supremacy of the parliament not any attack on its sanctity and stature.
The meeting declared the selected Imran Niazi government responsible for the fall of Indian Occupied Kashmir. It held that the illegal annexation of occupied Kashmir in violation of the UN resolutions is a product of the collusion of Modi government and the selected PTI government. The meeting also voiced concern over the selected government’s completely failed Afghanistan Policy.
The APC while strongly condemning the historic pressure, curbs and censorship on media demanded that all journalists and media persons including Mir Shakeel-ur-Rehman be freed immediately and all fictitious cases including treason be squashed. It promised that no ploy to usurp the freedoms of the media and the civilians of Pakistan will be allowed.
The meeting while strongly condemning the baseless and false cases leveled against the political leaders, members and workers, their arrests and imprisonments, demanded their immediate release. It also paid rich tribute to all political leaders and workers including Syed Khurshid Shah and Hamza Shahbaz for braving the worst political victimization.
The APC ruled that the National Action Plan is not being implemented because of which the incidents of terrorism in the country are on the rise. It expressed great concern and alarm over the rapidly worsening state law and order in the country ruled that the government had completely failed to fulfill its constitutional duty of protecting the life and property of the people of Pakistan.
The joint opposition communiqué strongly condemned the government’s criminal negligence, carelessness, apathy and inaction over recently rising sectarian tensions in Islamabad and other parts of the country and sees it as seriously dangerous. It demanded that the National Action Plan be implemented in letter and spirit.
It identified CPEC as the jugular vein of national economy but the incompetent, corrupt, immature, unqualified rulers have jeopardized its existence by rolling it back. It demanded that the CPEC projects be expedited immediately and the motorway and railways on the western route be built on emergent bases.
Selected government has paralyzed and crippled the parliament and is bulldozing through legislation which is against the people’s constitutional, basic, legal and human rights while the opposition’s voices are being shunned. The joint opposition pledged not to cooperate with the government on any parliamentary matter. The APC demanded that the unconstitutional, undemocratic, illegal and contrary to civil liberties legislation be annulled and all legislation including medical commission be withdrawn.
The meeting demanded that timely, free, fair, transparent election without any interference be held in Gilgit-Baltistan. After the elections, the region should be formally inducted in Pakistan through thorough national consensus. The meeting declared that the Gilgit-Baltistan region is extremely sensitive which is why the role of agencies should be eliminated from its elections. So that no one could question the transparency of these elections.
The APC said that the practice of making Northern regions a no-go-area must be stopped. It demanded that in accordance with the Peshawar High Court’s decision, all illegal jails including those in KPK be handed over to the police.
The meeting expressed concern and condemned the practice of pressurizing, threatening and harassing honorable judges, through fake cases and references, to force out favourable verdicts. The meeting declared such actions are an attack on the judiciary and a threat to national security.
The meeting while endorsing the resolution passed by bar councils in the 17 September APC said, the current system of appointment of supreme judiciary is an impediment in the establishment of an independent judiciary. It called for the implementation of the resolution of the bar council APC.
The APC demanded that a new system of accountability be formed in the light of recent Supreme court decisions, Islamic Ideological Council’s recommendations and Human rights watch report. It maintained that everyone including the politicians, military, civilians, judiciary and everyone else should be tried under the same accountability institution and law.
The meeting demanded that recent reports regarding Chairman CPEC Authority, PM’s Special Assistant Asim Saleem Bajwa be thoroughly and transparently investigated in the same manner in which politicians are probed. It also demanded that Asim Bajwa be dismissed from his positions till the investigation is completed.
The meeting demanded that the practice of making Pakistani civilians ’missing-persons’ must stop and all missing persons be released and presented before the judiciary in accordance with the law.
The APC strongly condemned the termination of the Local bodies and government before its constitutional term in Punjab and rejected any Local body elections on non-party bases.
The meeting condmned the government;s slashing of the budget for Higher Education and demanded restorat9ion of financial assistance of educationjal institution and reduction in fees
The meeting endorsed the Aghaaz-e-Huqoor-e-Balishistan and demanded that its implementation be unequivocally ascertained.
The APC demanded that civil government’s supremacy, civil authorty’s restoration insteadof Frontier Constabulary (FC) and all of its barricades in every district be lifted.
It alsocalled for the formation of a Truth Commission that would document the true history of Pakistan from 1947 to date .
The APC’s joint communiqué said that a committee will be formed to review the Charter of Democracy, and reform the document , to help set a direction that would make Pakistan a progressive Islamic Democratic state in line with the challenges faced by the country, the principles stated by Quidb-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the 1973 constitution. — PAK DESTINY