All sympathies with Imran Khan for declaring that his expenses not met with his salary which is just over Rs200,000 as PM

All sympathies with Imran Khan for declaring that his expenses not met with his salary which is just over Rs200,000 as PM

By Iram Saleem

Prime Minister has said it all in one sentence.
“I can’t run my house with my salary because of inflation and price hike,” Khan said.

Now after this admission does someone has any doubts that he is a shareef admi like a common man and facing the problems like others do.
He is made prime minister having no authority. He told every one that he can’t meet his expenses with Rs200,000 — two lakh — salary he gets.
I wonder why the opposition chides him. This man needs some more money in charity to run his house.

We should sympathise with him instead of cursing him.
He is poor as well as pathetic man. Those bring him in power should have mercy on this country.
All sympathies for Khan. Pak Destiny

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