Even Imran Khan could not escape flattery, rather he enjoys it?

Even Imran Khan could not escape flattery, rather he enjoys it

By Raza Ruman

Can anybody believe this that Prime Minister Imran Khan acted as interviewer and his host Chaudhry Ghulam Hussain made him listen to him like a child.

One can’t believe one’s ear.

Meena Gabeena writes on her twitter wall saying “Haha Kamran khan is not the only person who was interviewed by the PM , this guy is also giving his own interview to PM .. and PM is such a good listener when the topic of conversation is absolutely false praise.”

One wonders why PM Khan allows such a low intellect commentator like Ghulam to have a praiseworthy interview of him. He could have allowed some professional journalist like Arshad Sharif at least to save his skin.
A foolish friend always cuts you a sorry figure.

On social media the people are laughing at the choice of PM Khan, Ghulam Hussain who could be a better stuff for a comedy show.

Ghulam Hussain must be enjoying his this clip saying to himself that how praise hungry this man be… and ” I have become a big anchor.” PAK DESTINY

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