A meeting between Imran Khan’s ex-wife, Reham Khan, and Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, in London, grabbed public attention in Pakistan with senior politicians making satirical comments.
Take Opposition Leader in the National Assembly, Khurshid Shah, for example.
“I pray for the safety of Reham Khan. May All protect her from Shahbaz Sharif,” Mr Shah told journalist in Sukkur.
Media reported both Ms Khan and Mr Sharif had a meeting in London. What transpired in the meeting remained a secret. The two sides neither confirmed nor denied the news of the meeting.
Ms Khan takes deep interest in politics and her joining either PML-Nawaz or any other political party cannot be ruled out.
Ms Khan recently got divorce from Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf Chairman, Imran Khan, in less than a year from marrying him. Interestingly, how they got married and what really led to their divorce is still not fully clear. However, Ms Khan broke her silence and shared some details in a few interviews to the British media.
The Punjab Chief Minister was already married more than once. His political rivals often joke about his knack for marriages and women. He also married to Tehmina Durrani, ex-wife of former Punjab Governor Ghulam Mustafa Khar.
Later, Ms Durrani wrote a biographical sketch – My Feudal Lord – of her ex-husband Mr Khar.
The fans of Reham Khan wish and pray that she must not end up writing a biographical sketch that may be titled “My Industrial Lord.”