PM Khan finally discloses why he hates Sharifs

PM imran Khan finally discloses why he hates nawaz Sharif and shahbaz sharif

By Raza Ruman

Prime Minister Imran Khan has finally disclosed why he hates the Sharif brothers. This disclosure PM Khan made while responding to the calls of ‘common people’s in the ‘Apka Wazeer-e-Azam Apke Saath on Tuesday.

“I was grilled for on my property which I made through my honest money,” Khan said hinting why he hates the Sharifs.
There was another reason the Sharifs had allegedly instituted a false case of tiles theft against Khan’s first wife Jemima Khan.

Khan’s main focus in his three hours talk was Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif and their children.
He held them responsible for all the problems Pakistan is facing today. He also vowed to never give an NRO to the Sharifs.

There was another reason the Sharifs had allegedly instituted a false case of tiles theft against Khan’s first wife Jemima Khan

“There were two types of thieves, those who stole on a smaller scale while others, like officeholders who stole on a much bigger scale. Nations are destroyed when officeholders start stealing”, he said.

Khan said PML-N President and Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif had a money laundering case worth Rs700 billion against him.

“This is just one case, [authorities] have a book’s worth of cases against him. The only time (the stolen) money comes back is when one of the wives or sons have to buy a house. Now, if you gather all Pakistani prisoners who have stolen, all their thievery combined is not equal to Rs700bn.

He claimed that because of the two NROs given by former president Pervez Musharraf to Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif, the country’s loans had mushroomed from Rs6 trillion to Rs30tr. “This is what has destroyed the country. I have always said I would not give an NRO and I am saying it again today.”

Will Khan come out of Nawaz and Shahbaz phobia till his remaining period of power… a million dollar question, isn’t it? PAK DESTINY

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