Tag: Health

Rejuvenating Breathings

Rejuvenating Breathings

Burst Breathing— Gives Quick Rest and Recharge Breathe short quick breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth for a few minutes(120 breaths per minute). Breathe normally for a minute or so and then …
COHERENT BREATHING— Best way to Breathe

COHERENT BREATHING— Best way to Breathe

We should inhale and exhales slowly—6 breaths a minute. This practice raises levels of carbon dioxide level in the body, drops blood pressure drops and heart rate goes in the mid-60s. A calming practice that …
More Breathing Exercises

More Breathing Exercises

Dear readers, appreciating the fear factor, you keep on facing due to COVID 19 epidemic, exercises will be suggested which are good for mind, breathing airways, lungs and immunity system in general.
Stressed or Tired Breathe this Way

Stressed or Tired Breathe this Way

By actively focusing on breath and the movements of diaphragm, one can influence the parasympathetic nervous system enormously through the vagus nerve that spreads from your brain to your lungs, heart and other organs.
Our Nervous System

Our Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system(ANS), located at the brain stem ( the primitive part of brain ), is responsible for regulating involuntary body functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and digestion.
Breathing to wake up the body

Breathing to wake up the body

When we’re asleep, many of our vital functions drop, including respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure. Use breath to gently wake up your body and stimulate respiratory, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. Don’t leap out …