By Raza Ruman
(Pak Destiny) Finally the name of the media baron who has shares in purported Rs200 billion LNG deal.
He is none other than Dunya media group’s owner Mian Amer Mahmood. PTI Chairman Imran Khan has already alleged without naming Amer in his Aug 13 public address that a media tycoon is partner with the PML-N government for its controversial Rs200bn LNG deal.

Now it has also been revealed that as why Dunya media group is openly supporting the Sharifs and PML-N
Official sources today told Pak Destiny that it is none else but Mian Amer who after education and media business wants to explore other avenues.
Now it has also been revealed that as why Dunya media group is openly supporting the Sharifs and PML-N. — Pak Destiny
Mian Amer Mahmood is the lifafa owner same as lifafa journalist of DUnya
he hasnt been supporting nawaz sharif openly but from behind the scenes so that his pmlq companions dont get upset
kia farq parta hai thora iss ko bhi kha lene do
Whats the difference if he is in PMLN or PMLQ ? Corrupt will be corrupt wherever he goes
We all know how he established his commerce college 😉
Group of currupt, and traitors.