Tag: Health Tips

Different types of breather

Different types of breather

When you inhale, your breath starts in the upper chest raising the shoulders, the chest aggressively puffs out and upward and the abdomen pulls in toward the spine. Then, on the exhale, your abdomen moves …
Our Present breathing Pattern

Our Present breathing Pattern

We generally prefer overuse of tight clothings and belts and such pattern of wears suffocates us. Also some of us, habitually suck in our bellies to look attractive, but restricting the movement of our abdomen …
The way we breathe reflects how we feel

The way we breathe reflects how we feel

When we are stressed, anxious, or nervous, the breathing pattern changes. The breathing rate increases, or becomes more shallow. One even starts breathing in and out through mouth and may unnecessarily hold the breath.This all …
The Golden gas -Nitric oxide

The Golden gas -Nitric oxide

Nitric oxide is produced within the 100,000 miles of blood vessels throughout the human body, including the paranasal sinuses surrounding the nasal cavity. The vital function of Nitric Oxide is to send signal to the …